📈 BigData Junction


Origins #

In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee set out to solve a problem: there was a lot of information being stored digitally, and no way to find or access much of it. He created “Information Management: A Proposal” in which the concept of the “web” was first established.

This proposal had several key parts:

  • not based on a hierarchy
  • allows remote access across networks
  • heterogeneity: different systems can access the same data
  • non-centralization: ability for existing systems to be linked together without a central control
  • access to existing data: ability to get data from existing databases to reduce overhead of adapting new system

Why was this so successful?

  • Very flexible; didn’t force any changes on existing data, systems, or networks
  • Many systems were built for networks in the first place
  • Integrated interface for scattered information
  • Practical solution to a specific problem
  • Early form of open-source software (free for anyone to use)
  • No over-specification: websites can be structured in many ways
  • No central authority or single underlying system: anyone can add their own systems easily
  • Ability to quickly navigate between different sources

Basics #

What do we need to create the Web?

  • A way to represent content with links: HTML
  • A client program to access content: web browsers
  • A way to reference content: URLs
  • A way to host content: servers
  • A protocol to transfer content between servers and clients: HTTP

URL Syntax #


  • Scheme: protocol (https, ftp, smtp…)
  • Host: DNS hostname or IP address
  • Port: 80 for http, 443 for https
  • Path: traditional filesystem hierarchy
  • Resource: desired resource
  • Query: search terms
  • Fragment: subpart of a resource


Note: The following information refers to the HTTP 1.0 standard. HTTP 2 is also commonly supported(about 44% adoption), and HTTP 3 is upcoming (5%, mostly Google/Facebook), but they are significant departures in terms of implementation.

Main idea:

  • Client-server architecture
  • Client connects to server via TCP on port 80
  • Stateless protocol

HTTP Request #

  • Plaintext, separated with CRLF (CR = Carriage Return, ASCII 13, LF = Line Feed, ASCII 10)
  • Request Line: Method Resource Protocol
    • Method: GET, HEAD, POST…
    • Resource: what needs to be fetched
    • Protocol version: HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/1.0
  • Request Headers: provide additional information
  • Body: separated with a blank line; used for submitting data

HTTP Status #

  • Status Line: Protocol Status Reason
    • Protocol: HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/1.0
    • Status: status code (200, etc)
    • Reason: human-readable message

HTTP Methods #

  • GET: request to download (body on response only)
  • POST: send data from client to server (body often present in both request and response)
  • HEAD: same as GET except no body is needed in the response (used to check for existence)

Status Codes #

  • 1xx: informational (not defined)
  • 2xx: successful
    • 200: OK
  • 3xx: redirection
    • 301: moved permanently
    • 304: not modified
  • 4xx: client error
    • 400: bad request
    • 401: unauthorized
    • 404: not found
  • 5xx: server error
    • 500: internal server error

Caching #

Web caching takes advantage of temporal locality: if something is accessed, it’ll probably be accessed soon. This is true because the most popular content is accessed far more frequently than non-popular content.

Caching is implemented via two headers:

  • Cache-Control: max-age=(seconds) - 1.1
  • Expires: (absolute time of expiry) - 1.0

We can also specify the following to force skip caches:

  • Cache-Control: no-cache - 1.1
  • Pragma: no-cache - 1.0

Additional settings:

  • If-Modified-Since: (date)
    • If a resource has changed since date, respond with latest version. Otherwise, respond with 304 (not modified)

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Proxy servers make requests on behalf of clients. This creates an extra layer of caching that can server multiple clients more quickly.

  • Reverse proxies are caches close to the servers.
  • Forward proxies are caches close to the clients. (typically done by ISPs)

CDNs #

Content Delivery Networks provide caching and replication as a service. CDNs are large-scale distributed storage infrastructure that create new domain names for customers. The content provider then rewrites content to reference the new domains instead of the original ones.

  • typically aliased using CNAMEs to make domain names still human-readable Pull:
  • CDN acts like a cache
  • content provider gives CDN an origin URL
  • when a client requests it from CDN:
    • if cached, serve
    • if not cached, pull from origin
  • easier to implement (less work for content provider)


  • Content provider uploads content to CDN, who serves it like a normal server
  • provides more control over content

HTTP Performance #

The primary bottleneck is RTT, not transmission delay. Using standard TCP, downloading many small objects takes 2 RTTs per object, which adds up to a lot of time.

Some optimizations can be made:

  • Concurrent requests: make many requests in parallel
    • need to share bandwidth between all concurrent requests
  • Persistent connections: maintain TCP connection across multiple requests
    • can be combined with concurrent requests
    • default for HTTP 1.1
  • Pipelined connections: send multiple requests all at once
    • can combine small requests into one large request
    • not used in practice, due to bugs and head-of-line blocking (remaining connections all need to wait for a slow connection in the middle)